42/24-12-2 EN
Advance Optima Ex Analyzer Modules Operator’s Manual
Ex Analyzer Module Applications and Designs
Proper Operation
The Caldos 15-Ex, Caldos 17-Ex, Magnos 106-Ex and Uras 14-Ex analyzer modules
are used for continuous quantitative determination of individual gas components in
gas mixtures.
The Ex analyzer modules are capable of measuring non-combustible and
combustible gases under atmospheric conditions which can form an explosive
environment (Zone 1). The mixture ratio for these gases should be well under the
lower explosive limit (LEL) or well above the upper explosive limit (UEL). The initial
and post-operation conditions are exceptions to this requirement.
When specially equipped and when special conditions are fulfilled, the Ex analyzer
modules are capable of measuring pressurized non-combustible and combustible
Ex analyzer modules should not be used to measure corrosive gases (such as
chlorine) that attack stainless steel.
Ex Analyzer modules for use in Zones 1 and 2 (combustible sample gas) have
"Pressure-Tight Containment" explosion protection per EN 50018. They are
enclosed in a pressure-tight aluminum cylinder (see the dimensional drawing,
Fig. 1, Page 8).
All gas connections are routed via flame barriers. The flame barriers and the pipe
threaded connections are made of 1.4571 steel.
The system bus cable and 24-VDC connecting cable are brought into the pressure-
tight cylinder via pressure-tight cable openings. The 8- and 3-conductor cables,
each 10 meters in length, are connected at the factory (see the connection
diagrams, Figs. 2 to 7, Pages 14 to 20).
Housing Purge
To protect the Ex analyzer module sensor electronics against the entry of an
aggressive atmosphere or corrosive sample gas components, a purge gas can
flow through the pressure-tight cylinder.
The purge gas enters and exits via two flame barriers which are open in the interior
of the pressure-tight cylinder.
In the Caldos 15-Ex, Caldos 17-Ex and Magnos 106-Ex analyzer modules the
pressure-tight cylinder purge gas outlet is internally joined to the purge gas outlet
for the thermostat housing. The thermostat housing purge gas inlet is open.
Note: The housing purge has no significance for the purposes of EN 50016
positive pressure containment.