Aastra 6867i / Aastra 6869i
eud-1630/1.1 – R3.2 – 10.2014
Using functions with OpenCount
OpenCount is a software package used for the call logging management on the
communication system. The application can be integrated into your Aastra 400
communication system and enables the logging, the administration, and the
analysis of all call and connection data.
If an OpenCount is integrated in your Aastra 400 communication system, the fol-
lowing additional features are also available on your phone.
Activating PIN telephony
The PIN telephony is part of OpenCount. The possible applications of the PIN teleph-
ony depend on the area of use, for example in the area of health care and accommo-
• Independently from the phone you can make external calls for a fee. The credit may
be limited.
• You can charge the charges and the call information of your outgoing and incom-
ing calls to specific projects.
This function must be stored under a function key (see chapter
"Configuring keys"
For further information refer to the product-specific OpenCount user's guides on our
website (
) or contact your system administrator.
PIN call
PIN call rebook
Activating/deactivating PIN call:
Press the function key for
PIN call
PIN call rebook
Function is activated/deactivated, LED on the function key is switched on/off.