1. Always line up your print area before you feed your foil. This makes it easy to line up your
product with the typehead.
2. Always do a test print on scrap paper to check the spelling and set up.
3. After you have put your typeholder into the typehead to get hot, but before you start printing
remove the typeholder and retighten the screws. This will help keep your text from falling out of
the holder.
4. When you have finished a print job, remove the typeholder from the typehead and loosen the
screws so the type can cool under no pressure. This will help your type last longer and help stop
elongating of the type.
5. Always fill the typeholder completely with spacers. Do not leave empty space in the typeholder.
Heat will not get to all areas of the typeholder if there are air spaces.
6. When using an open chase typeholder. use 72 pt spacers to fill in the big areas. This will make
set up very fast. AAmstamp offers special aluminum bar and block spacers for this purpose.
If you cannot get a print to come out and you have already tried changing the temperature,
pressure, dwell, and/or cushion boards, call customer service at (
Our staff will be happy to help you in
any way
we can!