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DC bus voltage
Figure 6-5 Read-only parameter label definition description
6.2 Interconnection Parameter Function
The interconnection parameter function is a flexible setting method that combines the input
and output functions.
6.2.1 Interconnection Parameter Setting Method
Using interconnection parameters, an interconnection relationship can be established between
input (digital input, analog value, communication, etc.) and output (frequency of the frequency
converter, analog output, digital (on-off) output, etc.).
Example 1:
Use the state of digital input 1 to control relay output 1.
Set P2505.B=B0012, that is, interconnect the relay output 1 and the digital input 1. And then
the state of the digital input 1 can be expressed through the relay output 1.
Example 2:
Use analog input 1 as the main frequency setting.
Set P1801.W=W0021, that is, interconnect the main frequency setting and analog input 1. The
analog input 1 can be used as the main frequency setting.
6.2.2 Interconnection Parameter Control Word and Status Word
The control function of the FT50 series frequency converter is set by the control word, and the
running state is expressed by the status word.
Each bit of the control word can be interconnected with a bit connector, so that the
corresponding function can be realized by the value of the connector.
Set P2501.B = B0078, that is, interconnect the digital output 1 and the status word 2:3 fault.
Then the digital output 1 indicates the fault state of the frequency converter.
Then the switch output 1 indicates the fault status of the inverter
Set P3809.B = B0012, that is, interconnect the Control Word 1:0 (start/stop command) with the
digital input 1. The start/stop of the frequency converter is controlled by the state of digital input