Pag. 18 di 26
Every ATIB attachments are projected and constructed according to a load positioned (as
regards its centre of gravity) at a certain distance from vertical part of the fork.
If you need to increase the distance of the center of gravity as regards vertical part of the
fork you have to reduce the weight of the load.
In this occasion, we suggest to control the chart
where, according to the
increase of the centre of gravity (x-axis) there is a load reduction multiplying factor (y-axis).
The multiplying factor, obtained based on desired load centre position, will be multiplied with
nominal capacity of the equipment. The result of this multiplication will be actual capacity of
the attachment.
Continuous line is for equipment with load center at 500 mm.
Dotted line is for equipment with load center at 600 mm.
This calculation is valid only for “stable” load, in case of movement of liquid material please contact the
Residual capacity (Pair of forks)
ultiplicative f
Center of gravity (mm)
Picture 11