3xLogic’s VRM Software - User’s Guide Page 35
Seeks to the last frame of the footage.
Enables and disables the audio for during the video playback. Turning off the
preview audio does not affect the saved audio.
Expands and contracts the size of the video playback. Clicking anywhere or
pressing the “Esc” key will also close large screen playback.
If only a portion of the video needs to be exported, start and end markers can be set to crop the
footage to a sub range.
Places the starting marker for the sub range of footage you wish to download.
Places the ending marker for the sub range of footage you wish to download.
A blue line on the navigation slider indicates the
currently selected sub range.
Removes both the starting and ending markers.
Crops the footage selected by the start and end markers. The navigation
slider will reset to view only the cropped footage.
Selects which audio channel will record.
Cropping footage in no way alters to the video stored on the DVR as it only
selects a sub range to be downloaded. To display all of the available footage, perform your
search again.
Once you have the desired footage you wish to download, click
. The screen will
change to export mode and a progress bar will show you how far along the export is.
Once the export is complete, a “Download Completed” window will open. Any downloaded video
will be marked with an asterisk in the “Results” table.
You can download more footage at this point or you can click
to return to the
“Session Details” window. Your newly downloaded video footage will now be listed in the “Files”