3xLogic’s VRM Software - User’s Guide Page 28
Select Investigators
The “Select Investigators” window allows you to select any involved investigators to your currently
selected case. You can sort the individual columns by clicking on the column header. This will
sort them in order, alternately ascending and then descending.
You can search for specific investigators by clicking the blue bar titled “Filter” near the top. This
will drop down the search filters.
By entering search criteria and enabling the filter (click
), you can limit the “Select
Investigators” window to only the people you wish to see.
Opens the “Personal Info” window so you can add another investigator. See
Section 7.1.4 for more details.
Opens the “Personal Info” window so you can edit the personal information of
the selected investigator. See Section 7.1.4 for more details.
Deletes the selected investigator.
Updates the “Select Investigator” window with the current search criteria.