BBU Object Commands
/cx/bbu show pcb
This command shows the PCB revision number on the BBU.
/cx/bbu show bootloader
This command shows the BBU's boot loader version.
/cx/bbu show all
This command shows the current settings of all BBU-related attribute: ready,
status, batinst, lasttest, volt, temp, cap, serial, fw, pcb, bootloader.
For example:
//localhost> /c1/bbu show all
/c1/bbu Firmware Version = BBU:
/c1/bbu Serial Number = Engineering Sample.
/c1/bbu BBU Ready = Yes
/c1/bbu BBU Status = OK
/c1/bbu Battery Voltage = OK
/c1/bbu Battery Temperature = OK
/c1/bbu Estimated Backup Capacity = 241 Hours
/c1/bbu Last Capacity Test = 22-Jun-2004
/c1/bbu Battery Installation Date = 20-Jun-2004
/c1/bbu Bootloader Version = BBU
/c1/bbu PCB Revision = 65
/cx/bbu test [quiet]
This command starts the battery capacity test. The test may take up to 24
hours to complete. During the test, the BBU is not capable of backup
operation and the write cache of all units attached to that controller is
disabled. Once the test is completed with no error and the BBU status returns
to OK, the write cache will be re-enabled.
Once started, the test can not be terminated before it completes. Write
cache cannot be enabled until the test completes.
AEN (Asynchronous Event Notification) messages are also generated by
controllers to notify the user of the command status.
Check for AENs with the alarms command
/cx show alarms [reverse]
Using the “reverse” attribute displays the most recent AEN message at the
bottom of the list. (For a list of all AENs, see the user guide that came with
your 3ware RAID controller.)