Chapter 2. Primary CLI Syntax Reference
3ware 9000 Series Serial ATA Controller CLI Guide
p7 OK - 149.05 GB 312581808 3JS0VF43
p8 OK - 149.05 GB 312581808 3JS0VG8D
p9 NOT-PRESENT - - - -
p10 NOT-PRESENT - - - -
p11 NOT-PRESENT - - - -
/cx show all
This command shows the current setting of all of the following attributes on
the specified controller: driver, model, firmware, memory, bios, monitor,
serial, pcb, pchip, achip, numports, numunits, numdrives, unitstatus,
drivestatus, allunitstatus, exportjbod, ondegrade, spinup, autocarve, and
represents the actual version number)
//localhost> /c0 show all
/c0 Driver Version = 3.x
/c0 Model = 9550SX-12
/c0 Memory Installed = 112MB
/c0 Firmware Version = FE9X 3.x
/c0 Bios Version = BE9X 3.x
/c0 Monitor Version = BL9X 3.x
/c0 Serial Number = xxxxx
/c0 PCB Version = Rev 0xx
/c0 PCHIP Version = 1.xx
/c0 ACHIP Version = 3.xx
/c0 Number of Ports = 12
/c0 Number of Units = 2
/c0 Number of Drives = 12
/c0 Total Optimal Units = 2
/c0 NotOptimalUnits = 0
/c0 Total Units = 2
/c0 JBOD Export Policy = off
/c0 Disk Spinup Policy = 7
/c0 Spinup Stagger Time Policy (sec) = 4
/c0 Cache on Degrade Policy = Follow Unit Policy
/c0 Auto-Carving Policy = off
/c0 Auto-Carving Size = 2047 GB
/c0 Auto-Rebuild Policy = enable
Unit UnitType Status %Cmpl Stripe Size(GB) Cache AVerify IgnECC
u0 RAID-5 OK - 256K 148.99 ON ON ON
u1 RAID-5 OK - 256K 595.961 ON OFF ON
Port Status Unit Size Blocks Serial
p0 OK u0 74.53 GB 156301488 3JV3MV1C
p1 OK u0 74.53 GB 156301488 3JV3MK6B
p2 OK u0 74.53 GB 156301488 3JV3LW52
p3 OK u1 74.53 GB 156301488 3JV49S77
p4 OK u1 74.53 GB 156301488 3JV3MVTA
p5 OK u1 74.53 GB 156301488 5JV980Z0
p6 OK u1 74.53 GB 156301488 5JV9820G
p7 OK u1 111.79 GB 234441648 WD-WMAEL10275
p8 OK u1 111.79 GB 234441648 WD-WMAEL10274
p9 OK u1 111.79 GB 234441648 WD-WMAEL10281
p10 OK u1 111.79 GB 234441648 WD-WMAEL10273
p11 OK u1 111.79 GB 234441648 WD-WMAEL10274