Maint Commands
Rescan imports JBOD units only when attached to either a 7000 or 8000
controller, unless you reboot. All other RAID types can be imported when
attached to the 9000 series.
Adding any drive requires use of an approved hot swap carrier. If
you do not have such a carrier you must first power down your
system. Failure to do so may cause the system to hang or become
corrupted. It may even damage your system.
//localhost> maint rescan
Rescanning controller /c0 for units and drives ...Done.
Rescanning controller /c1 for units and drives ...Done.
If you use the noscan option:
//localhost>maint rescan c0 noscan
Using the noscan option allows a system administrator to export units to the
OS a later time rather than having the CLI do it for them.
[maint] remove
This command allows you to remove (or export) a unit. Exporting a unit
instructs the firmware to remove the specified unit from its poll of managed
units, but retains the Disk Configuration Block (DCB) metadata.You can
import (re-introduce) the unit via rescan. By default the OS is informed of this
change. You can alter this behavior using the noscan option.
You must first unmount the array before issuing the maint remove
command. Failure to do so may cause the system to hang or
become corrupted.
Physically removing any drive requires use of an approved hot
swap carrier. If you do not have such a carrier you must first power
down your system. Failure to do so may cause the system to hang
or become corrupted. It may even damage your system.