Multimedia Projector MP8620 Adjustments
3M 1999 1-1
Make advanced adjustments to the MP8620 in a clean environment with minimal dust and positive pressure.
This section provides the advanced adjustment procedures needed to maintain a high quality projection image.
There is a specific order that adjustments are to be made and specific tools needed to complete each adjustment.
Important Note
Important: Complete advanced adjustments to a projector only when the
machine settings fall outside of the allowable tolerances for that
adjustment, or when instructed to do so by another procedure.
Static Control
The circuit boards in the MP8620 are very sensitive to static energy. A simple static charge can ruin a circuit
board instantly. Because of this, it is essential that you complete all repairs in a static-safe work environment.
Static-Safe Work Environment
A properly grounded floor mat, table mat and adjustable wrist strap with grounding cord are needed for
complete static protection.
3M recommends any of the following workstation grounding kits:
3M™ Workstation Grounding Kit Model 8011
3M™ Workstation Grounding Kit Series 8020
3M™ Workstation Grounding Kit Series 8030
For your nearest distributor or to order, call 1-800-328-1368.
Machine Identification
To avoid incorrect adjustments, verify the model and version of the projector prior to making any adjustments.
Different versions have unique adjustment requirements. The serial number for MP8620 is located on the back
of the projector.