Pannoramic SCAN 150 1.15 User’s Guide
4 Software Description
These settings determine the resulting quality and storage location of the virtual slide.
Image Encoding
You can set the image format parameters within this group.
– The quality can be adjusted with the
JPEG quality factor
slider. Greater
values result in better quality, but larger files. The default setting is 80%.
– lossless compressed image format.
– lossless uncompressed image format, but larger files due to less effective
compression. It is a raw data file.
JPEG 2000
– It supports the 16 bit image formats. The quality can be adjusted with
JPEG quality factor
slider. Greater values result in better quality, but larger files.
The default setting is 80%. You can create lossless image by selecting the
image compression
Image Bit Depth
You can choose between 8 and 12 bit depths when using AxioCam MRm Rev.3, and
between 8 and 16 when using pco.edge camera.
Scan Settings
Focus frequency –
This value determines how many field of views will pass before
the sample is refocused. This value should be selected depending on the
unevenness and size of the specimen.
Maximum exposure time –
A limit value can be set to determine that the exposure
time cannot be longer than the time of focusing and calculation of exposure. This is
necessary because the exposure time would be too long when taking image of an
empty field of view. Default value is 2000 ms.
Skip empty field-of-views –
This function decides on the base of the focus channel
whether there is a specimen in the given FOV, if it is empty, the other chosen
channels will not scan this FOV, but places an empty field instead of it. This
increases the speed of the scanning process.
If the specimen area is barely visible, it is possible that the software will
analyze that area as an empty one.
2012. March 13.