2N TELEKOMUNIKACE a.s., www.2n.cz
Keypad Operation Instructions - Summary
Door opening – code lock
Enter any valid password for switch 1 and
Warning! Password 00 may not be used!
Switch 2 activation
Enter any valid password for switch 2 and
Warning! Password 11 may not be used!
Traditional button telephone
gets intercom ready to dial a number.
Dials a number.
Transmits into tone dialling during pulse dialling.
Transmits a character in tone dialling.
Hangs up anytime during a call.
DTMF transmission during outgoing call (of a single button, not in the telephone
tone-dials a number.
The character is sent normally.
The character is sent normally.
Buttons substitution:
01…54 – the number that complies with the selected button (memory) is
dialled after a timeout.
– If an asterisk is pressed after number 01…54, the number is dialled
immediately unless it is identical with the set password.