2N TELEKOMUNIKACE a.s., www.2n.cz
2.2 Mechanical Installation
Common Mounting Principles
Flush Mounting - Classic Bricks
Flush Mounting - Thermally Insulated Wall
Flush Mounting - Plasterboard
Flush Mounting - Hollow Bricks
Wall Mounting
Use of Cable Bushings
Common Mounting Principles
Select flush mounting where possible to make your product elegant
looking, more vandal resistant and more secure.
You can purchase the flush mounting box in advance and hire an
installation professional to make the basic installation work. Moreover,
the mounting box helps you align the intercom vertically (with a
deviation of up to 2°).
Make sure that the dowel holes have the required diameter. If the
diameter is too large, the dowels may get loose. Use some suitable
building adhesive to keep the dowels in place.
Make sure that the hole depth is sufficient too! The dowel length is 50
mm and the screw length is 90 mm.
Remember that dowels of poor quality may easily get loose and fall out
of the wall!
Stainless steel screws are used for the 2N Helios Force/Safety
assembly. Other screws than stainless steel ones corrode soon and may
aesthetically deteriorate the surrounding environment!
Having removed the front panel, make sure that no dirt gets inside the
product (check the sealing surface and microphone sound guides).