319. [IP Load Sharing] In sip & dip criteria mode, the L3 traffic (sip: fixed, dip: increment) only
forward to one port, could not load balance. The issue only occurs in 48 port device.
320. [CFM] In spanning tree topology, execute linktrace from device 3 to device 1 (eth cfm link
re 7003 MEP 1003 ma 3 md 1), the
field should be N/A, not empty or
scramble (eth CFM link re 7003 MEP 1003 ma 3 md 1).
321. [CFM] In spanning topology, execute linktrace from device 3 into device 4 (eth CFM link
re 7001 MEP 1001 ma 7 md 3), linktrace will be fail. After modify MEP 7001 direction from
down to up , it will be ok. The root cause may be spanning blocking port. It seems that
spanning blocking port will effect MEP direction setting.
322. [MAC-Pinning] When enable mac p trunking ports already learned {MAC A,
VLAN A}, then the other ports (disable mac pinning) shouldn’t learn {MAC A, VLAN A}
323. [Upgrade firmware] After upgrade firmware via web page, then CLI login fail during
”.” .
324. [IP Load Sharing] It only create 8 static route entry. When create over 8 entry, CLI will
pop error messages.
325. [IPv6 Interface VLAN] Create over 64 ipv6 interface VLAN, it should pop error message.
Error: IPv6 iface number exceeds maximum, not Error: Static VLAN number exceeds
326. [MSTP] Run MSTP MIB script, CLI will pop some error messages. RSTP flush dynamic
address on port-44 fail.
327. [IPv6 Interface VLAN] Create 64 interface VLAN and enter the existent interface VLAN,
CLI will pop error messages. Error: Static VLAN number exceeds maximum!.
328. CFM] Run CFM MIB script, CLI will pop error messages. dot1agPduIncoming: insert
queue fail
329. [MIB-zyxelMldSnoopingProxy] When creating max zyMldSnoopingProxyVlanRowStatus
(OID: rules, the max rules can’t be deleted via MIB
330. [IPv6 Neighbor] It only create 64 interface VLAN. But, it can create 256 neighbor entry
with different VLAN 1~256. it will cause some useless neighbor entry.
[Syslog] Autonegotiation sync failed: a log message ”WA interface: port 2 link speed and
duplex mode autonegotiation has failed” should be shown when show logging
332. [MIB-zyxelIpv6StaticRoute] When setting the zyIpv6StaticRouteNextHopIpAddress (OID: to default value, it will pop error message but the value
should be able to set OK.
333. [IPv6 Prefix] In ipv6 prefix, prefix lifetime could not smaller than valid lifetime.
334. [DHCPv6 Client] After reboot device, device could not get the dynamic ipv6 address
again. It only occurs in 48 port device, not 24 port device.
335. [Port Setup] When all port inactive/active, CLI pop error message.
336. [LACP+MRSTP+L2PT] When enable lacp+mrstp+l2pt, the LACP sync fails.
[IPSG] The illegal IP with Same MAC’s IP could not flood.
338. [Diagnostic] The inactive port do cable diagnostic should not display cable length.
339. [MIB-dot3] The Port Index of the dot3StatsFrameTooLongs (OID:
counter is error.
340. [Static Route] Send port-pair L3 traffic to the non-existent next hop, after system reboot,
the port-pair L3 traffic still can forward each other.
341. [MIB-zyxelMldSnoopingProxy] It should pop error message when setting the
zyMldSnoopingProxyVlanRowStatus (OID: to invalid
value (ex: 123)
342. [System] Run some script and remove the connected cable, CLI will pop some error
messages. Invalid Port ID !0x00000034
343. [MIB-traceRouteMIB] When SilverCreek to test the traceRouteMIB (OID:, CLI will pop error message.
344. [Port Security] Enable port security address limit to 16000, send 33000 increment source
MAC, device will learn 16003 MAC. It should be 16001 MAC (include CPU).
345. [MLD Filtering Profile] When create MLD filtering profile over maximum in web page or
MIB, it could not pop error messages. CLI will be ok.
[Green Ethernet] a message pops up ”Port ge23: bcm_port_info_get failed: Operation
failed” after erase configuration
347. [VLAN Stacking] in CLI, columns (SPVID and priority) were not in the right format.