185. DUT can not be reboot (model: GS3700-48)
186. [SNMP-dot1qVlan] When the dot1qVlanStaticRowStatus (OID:
is 2 (notInService) and deleting via MIB, it will fail.
187. [MIB-traceRouteMIB] When using SilverCreek to test traceRouteMIB (OID:, DUT will hang up.
188. [MIB-CFM] The dot1agCfmMepDbTable (OID: index is error.
189. [SNMP-zyxelIpv6] When enabling the IPv6 function, the zyIpv6LinkLocalIpAddrress (OID: should show default value. (CLI/Web will show)
190. [syslog] when testing on enable/disable switch type trap-ping, DUT was crash and
automatically restarted itself
191. [Static Route]: Create maximum static route entry (64) and erase running, CLI will pop
error message.
192. [Static Route]: Create maximum static route entry (64), Web page only displays as 50
static route entry.
193. [Hostname] created a hostname with 64 characters, but it only display 20 characters
when entered; for the hostname in CLI, it should display full name which user typed in.
194. [CFM] When MEP belongs MA whose primary VLAN is 100, the CC packets will
carry ”primary VLAN 1” field. the behavior is abnormal.
195. [LLDP] The LLDP TX org-specific-tlv dot3 mac-phy is wrong when speed-duplex set
196. [Static Arp] create a different IP and port number with duplicated MAC; static ARP should
be able to overwrite Dynamic ARP
197. [Errdisable] The port receives over rate-
limitation, then other port behavior didn’t work
(ping/BPDU/IGMP) in rate-limit mode.
198. [Static ARP] it should not be creatable when there were same domain but in different
199. [Port Security] In port security, modify VLAN address limit, CPU MAC will be count in
address limit.
200. [LLDP-MED] create an entry for location and building, name ZYXEL; few words which I
did not typed in were display when show running-config (ex: ZYXELHU)
201. [LACP] when LACP sync fail (one is active, the other is inactive), LACP port status
should be blocking not forwarding
202. [MIB-IP]When setting the ipNetToMediaPhysAddress (OID: to
invalid value, it should pop error message.
203. [Private VLAN]In web page, it could not modify promiscuous port tagged/untagged
204. [LACP] Dynamic VLAN should be removed after enable static trunk and stopped GVRP
205. [Private VLAN] After enable trunk interface and remove fixed member, it still could not
configure private VLAN.
206. [MIB-ip]The ipv6RouterAdvertReachableTime (OID: default value is
different to CLI and setting the value to 30000 will return ”0”.
207. [MIB-ip] When using SilverCreek to test the ipv6RouterAdvertReachableTime (OID:, it will pop ”Agent returned out of range integer value 2147483647 is
outside the range of (0..3600000) for IP-MIB:ipv6RouterAdvertReachableTime.30001
error message.
208. [MIB-ip] The ipv6RouterAdvertRetransmitTime (OID: default value
is different to CLI and setting the value to 1000 will return ”0”.
209. [Private VLAN] After modify isolation VLAN member or community VLAN member via
web page, secondary VLAN (isolate VLAN and community VLAN) will disappear in show
private VLAN
[LED] The reflector port ’s led will bright different color.
211. [MIB-transmission]The dot3StatsAlignmentErrors (OID: counter
can’t be added.
212. [Private VLAN] Send Query message into primary VLAN, it should transfer into isolate
tagged in isolate VLAN, and community tagged in community VLAN.
213. [MIB-transmission] The dot3StatsDeferredTransmissions (OID:
counter can’t be added.