P-660RU-Tx v 3 Series Support Note s
the des tination fields of the packe t (since it is now movi ng in the opposi te
directio n), the checksums are recompu ted, and the pa cke t is deli vered to i ts
true destina tion. This is because SU A keeps a table of the IP addresses and
port numbers of the lo cal systems curren tl y using it.
7. What is the difference between SUA and Full Feature NAT?
When you edit a rem ote node in Web Configurator, Ad vanced Setup,
Advance d Setup -> NAT -> Number of IPs,
there will be two options for you:
Single he re means SU A (Single User Accoun t). In p re vious ve rsions is a N AT
set with 2 rules: Man y-to-One and Server. Wi th SU A, 'visible ' serve rs had to be
mapped to differen t por ts, since the servers share onl y one global IP.
The P-660R U-Tx v3 now has
stands for
Full Feature NAT,
supports fi ve types o f IP /Port mapping: One to One , Man y to One , Man y to
Man y Overload , Man y to Man y No Overload and Server. You can make special
application when you select Mul tiple . Fo r e xample: Wi th multiple glo bal IP
addresses, multiple se vers using the same port (e .g., FTP serve rs using port
21/20) are allowed on the L AN for ou tside access.
The P-66 0RU-Tx v3 supports NAT sets on a remote node basis. They are
reusable, but only one set is allowed for each remote node. The P-660RU-Tx v3
supports 8 sets since there are 8 rem ote nod es.
8. Is it possible to access a server running be hind SUA fr om the outside
Inter net? How can I do it?
Yes, it is possible because P-660RU-Tx v3 delivers the packet to the local server
by looking up to a SU A server table. Therefore, to m ake a local server accessible
to the outside users, the port number and the inside IP address of the server m ust
be configured. (You can configure it in Web Config urator, Ad vanced Se tup,
Advanced Setup -> NAT -> DMZ
9. Whe n do I need select Multiple IP in NAT (Full Fea ture NAT)?
Make m ultiple local servers on the L AN accessible from outside with
m ultiple global IP addresses
With Single IP (SU A), 'visible' servers had to be m apped to different ports, since
the servers share only one global IP. But when you select
Multiple IPs
All contents copyright © 2008 Zy XEL Communications Corporation.
Summary of Contents for P-660RU-Tx v3 SERIES
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