Chapter 3 Product Composition
3.4.6 CAL/AISG Interface Cable
The CAL interface is located at the external filter at the bottom of the ZXSDR R8978. It
uses a type-N female connector.
The CAL interface cable used by the ZXSDR R8978 uses a jumper with a diameter of 1/2
inch. Both ends are N-type male connectors. The CAL interface supports antenna channel
calibration and
for RET antennas.
The CAL interface integrates
and antenna calibration. If an RET antenna is used, the
CAL interface of the ZXSDR R8978 is connected to the integrated interface of the antenna.
External View
The CAL interface cable is an RF cable with a diameter of 1/2 in (1 in=25.4 mm). Both
ends are N-type male connectors.
shows the external view.
Figure 3-13 CAL Interface Cable
End A is connected to the CAL interface of the ZXSDR R8978. End B is connected to the
CAL interface of the antenna.
illustrates the cable connection.
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