Appendix G: Setting Up ISDN Switches
Appendix G:
Setting Up ISDN
In Windows 95, your ISDN switches should automatically be set up by
the configuration software provided with your ISDN board. If you are
using Windows 3.1, 3.11, or NT 4.0, or if the configuration software
did not work for you under Windows 95, you can follow the
instructions below enter your settings manually. This procedure is
necessary only the first time you set up your ISDN line, or if you change
your ISDN service.
How to Set Up Switches
To set up ISDN switches, you need several numbers from your phone
Directory numbers: DN1 and DN2. (These are your ISDN
phone numbers.)
If you are using the product in the U.S., then you need
Service Profile Identification numbers: SPID1 and SPID2.
Switch type for each switch. The Switch type determines what
standards to use, or how to communicate, with each different
type of switch, such as EuroISDN, National ISDN 1, or
Northern Telecom DMS100.
Use these numbers in the AT commands when first connecting to an
ISDN line to set your switch parameters.
Settings are entered from a terminal application. In Windows 3.1 and
3.11, this terminal application is found in the Accessories Group. In
Windows 95 and Windows NT 4.0, a terminal application,
HYPERTRM.EXE, is in the HyperTerminal folder under Accessories in
the Start Menu.