Chapter 2 Using the Faxmodem
In the unusual event that PORTWIZ configures your
faxmodem to use a COM port/IRQ combination that con-
flicts with other hardware, either the faxmodem or the other
hardware won’t work properly. If that happens, you can run
PORTWIZ by itself to try other COM port/IRQ combinations.
SETPORT copies PORTWIZ into the root directory (usually
C:\) the first time you run it. After that, you can run
PORTWIZ from the DOS prompt. You can specify a COM
port and IRQ for PORTWIZ to try; the command format is:
portwiz <COM port hex address><IRQ
where the COM port hex addresses are:
COM1 3f8
COM2 2f8
COM3 3e8
COM4 2e8
and /w activates the Wizard mode, in which PORTWIZ
edits the AUTOEXEC.BAT and SYSTEM.INI files for you.
1. To configure the faxmodem for COM4 and IRQ10, type:
portwiz 2e8 10
and press Enter. If this combination works, then put
this line in your AUTOEXEC.BAT file and remember to
edit the [386Enh] section of your SYSTEM.INI file as well.
Add the lines:
You do not need to reboot in order to start using your
faxmodem immediately in either DOS or Windows.
2. To configure the faxmodem to the same COM port and
IRQ, but have PORTWIZ edit your AUTOEXEC.BAT
and SYSTEM.INI files for you, type:
portwiz 2e8 10 /w
and press Enter. The /w activats the Wizard mode,
which handles the file changes automatically.
3. If you are unsure of which IRQ to use, you can instruct
PORTWIZ to try a series of IRQs in sequence. Use only
IRQs 12, 11, 15, 10, 7, and 5 in that order. You may
specify any or all of them in this example. You also may
use the /w switch to activate the Wizard mode.