Chapter 2 Using the Faxmodem
24. If you are running the Windows 95, proceed to
the next section.
Setting Up Your Faxmodem for Windows 95
If you are running Windows 95, your faxmodem is auto-
matically detected by the Plug and Play feature of the
Windows 95 operating system. Follow the procedure
below to complete your faxmodem setup.
Restart your computer. As the Windows 95
operating system boots up, it displays a New
Hardware Found dialog box on your screen for a few
seconds with the identifier name (Internal 56K
Faxmodem (PNP) or something similar) of your
In the New Hardware Found dialog box, you have three
choices for installing a “driver.” The default choice is for
the driver to be installed from a disk provided by the
hardware manufacturer. Highlight this selection if it’s
not already highlighted and click OK.
Win95 displays an Install from Disk dialog box. It
lists A:\ as the default drive.
Make sure that correct drive is designated in the
dialog box (A: is probably correct). Insert the COMit
Disk in the drive and click OK.
Windows 95 auto-detects the correct files and copies
Windows 95 continues its startup procedure. Once
the system is completely booted up, you should
determine what COM port your faxmodem is set to. To
do this, double-click the My Computer icon. When the
My Computer window opens, double-click the Control
Panel icon. Inside the Control Panel window, double-
click the Modems icon. In the Modems Properties dia-
log box, select this product, which should be listed as a
modem found by the system. Then click Properties.
Your faxmodem’s properties are listed in a Properties
dialog box. In the Port box, it lists your Communica-
tions Port and then, in parentheses, the COM number.