ZSC-1000 User Manual.doc
Page 18 of 33
Time and Date
The ZSC-1000 can be used to synchronise the time and date across a system.
Broadcast enable
Defines which ports a time / date signal is broadcast on.
Default = ZVM and ZVK
Internal TDG
The ZSC-1000 has it’s own time source which can be used to synchronise the system. If this box is ticked, a
time signal is broadcast on the hour, based on the current time held in the unit
Default = Off
Clock - Port
This defines the source that the unit will accept a time/date signal on. Any of the ports can be set as the
Default = Zvk
Clock - Clock
This defines the protocol of the time/date signal. This can be one of Zonevu, Wharton, None or Wharton-old
Default = Zonevu
Global Alarm
The ZSC-1000 incorporates a fully featured alarm handling system. It is fully configurable for alarm sources,
alarm actions and alarm reports. See the Alarm Handling section for more information on how alarms