V4 User Manual and Installation Guide – Zonar Systems Support
Green - Chassis ground (Cable P/N 10030 only).
White - Switched Power
Engine running (+8 VDC to +32 VDC)
Engine not running (0 VDC)
Engine not running (key position ACC or Accessory Mode) (0 VDC)
The white wire must be connected to a power source that is active only when the engine is running or the system
will not track idle time properly.
: Contact the vehicle manufacturer for any specific electrical questions.
If power cabling is not connected and powered as described in the Power Bundle Wiring section, one or more of
the following conditions may occur. Contact Zonar Customer Support for additional information.
Cold Start flags (an indicator that a unit lost and regained constant power)
Inaccurate idle and stop times
Inaccurate hour meter data
Inaccurate mileage data
Missing path data
Straight line data segments
Using a Digital Multimeter (DMM) Probe for Testing 4 Pin Cable
A digital multimeter (DMM) is a test tool that is used to measure two or more electrical values such as voltage (volts),
current (amps), and resistance (ohms). It is a standard diagnostic tool for technicians in the electrical industry.
Improper use of the DMM probe may damage the pins causing an intermittent connection. Be sure the probe only
makes contact with the outside edge of the female connector. If the probe is inserted into the connector it may distort
the pin and ruin the connection.