4/8/16Channel DVR Quick Manual
Put the DVR's IP and port (WEB port, media
port, phone port) to fill in the corresponding
location, the protocol is “Both”, and the state
is “Enable” or Reboot. Then click “Save
Settings”, add other ports in the same way.
6000 is mobile phone monitoring port, this
port must be added in order to use the mobile
phone surveillance function. As shown above,
9000,80 and 6000 port can all be modified in
the DVR main menu.
2.10 Mobile phone surveillance
2.10.1 Mobile phone surveillance
The mobile phone surveillance function of this series DVR is supported by mobile phones of
the Windows Mobile and Symbian operating systems.
Here you can check the user name and
password of the monitoring video by using
the mobile phone to log in the DVR.
Service port:
The setting range is 1024 –
65535. This port needs to be mapped on the
router, and the setting method is the same
as the mapping method of network setting.
User name:
admin by default.
empty by default
2.10.2 Mobile Phone end login
Taking the iPhone for example, run the iPhone’s APP Store program and search KMEye, find
the installation package of application program, and click to install.
Open the mobile phone software kMEye. For the first-time use, modify the parameters.
to enter the parameter setting interface (left picture below), and the
default port number is 15961. The user can set other port number on the DVR end. The
default password is empty. Set the parameters well and connect the server, mobile phone
preview interface will display (right picture below):