p. 24/61
Information, considering the installation of the automatic pellet
burner of series “GP” and its operation with hot water boilers.
The automatic pellet burner of series “GP” is a separate module (which
requires electrical power supply and a signal for operation), which could
be installed on an appliance – a heat energy consumer. The practice
shows, that the consumer in most of the cases is a hot water boiler, which
is installed in local heating systems. The producer has made thorough
tests for compatibility, reliability and efficiency of the pellet burner of
series “GP” with most of the popular hot water boilers, known on the
market. However, considering the design of the boiler, the system could
require additional elements (like flanges, transition kits, etc), which allow
efficient operation of the burner and the system in general, thus increasing
the reliability as well.
of this user manual is shown information for the operating
parameters of a system, consisting of : automatic pellet burner of series
“GP” and a hot water boiler, at their nominal operation as complete
system. The producer strongly advices to check the applied information
prior to perform any installation procedures as well as adjustment of the
burner, in order to achieve high efficiency and reliability of the system :
pellet burner – hot water boiler;