Figure 4.4.
Overall and characteristic dimensions of the main unit of pellet
burner of series „GP cs”
front view
Arrangement and installation of the pellet burner’s modules
The main unit
of the burner should be installed in horizontal position on
a heat energy consumer appliance. According to the type of the appliance,
an expert should prepare technical evaluation of the project for installation
of the burner, as well as local arrangement of the units in order to ensure
efficient and reliable system operation and easy access for cleaning and
maintenance purposes. The main unit of the burner should be attached to
the heat energy consumer appliance. The insulation gasket should be
placed between the main unit and the heat energy consumer;
Fuel transport auger
is positioned in a close region of the burner of
series “GP”, in order to allow its easy connection with fuel delivery pipe
of the main unit by the applied transparent flexible hose. The auger should