Tub sides marked before assembly.
Bulkheads glued in place (this is the 21FE).
Tub side marked for transom alignment.
Let’s build the tub.
First, mark the insides of the tub right and
left. The sponson boom hole is toward the
bottom of the tub side.
Make these marks in the front portion of the
sides, where it won’t be seen later.
Check the fit of the bulkheads in the right
tub side.
Use a file to touch up the inside corners on
the bulkheads, to square off the tiny radius
left by the cutting bit.
Once you are happy with the fit of the
bulkheads in the tub side, glue them in with
CA. Use the square provided in the kit to
ensure each bulkhead is perfectly square.
Make a mark on both tub sides (inside) with
a line that is an extension of the transom
Use this line to align the transom correctly
on the tub side.