3 and 4 in place, with overhangs.
Note sharp bevel for 5. Just like tub and ski.
Sponson sheeted.
Glue R-5 in place with equal side overhang.
Match the rear to just cover the bevel you
sanded in R-4. Leave the rear of this
square, just like the tub bottom.
Sand the top of R-2, and glue the sponson
top on (R-6).
When cured, sand the front until it is flat
and square. Glue the pine sponson tip in
place with epoxy.
When cured, sand the nose block to a nice
blunt tip. Also sand the top sheeting, R-2
and the tips flush with the sides. Do not
sand off the overhang on the sponson
bottom unless you are using a high power