6. Music widget It shows the song which is currently playing, and you can play, stop or skip the song right
from the home page.
Intruder alarm
ZipaTile has the Intruder alarm system built in. Once activated, Intruder alarm will activate the siren and
send alert messages to your phone and email whenever ZONE (sensor) has been triggered.
You can start using Intruder alarm immediately upon ZipaTile installation, as all sensors within ZipaTile
are already included in it as ZONES (motion sensor, noise sensor level > 3).
Also, you can add any number of additional sensors as ZONES into your Intruder alarm system later on.
In order to add sensor as a ZONE in your Intruder alarm system, you have to first add sensor into your
Zipato system (go to ADD NEW DEVICES wizard).
Your can control the Intruder alarm from within Home page (press the current status of Intruder alarm) or
through Devices application:
ARM AWAY - activates the system when leaving home. In this case any ZONE (sensor) will activate an
alarm when it triggers.
ARM HOME - activates the system while staying at home. In this case only ZONES (sensors) which are set
as PERIMETER (ordinary door/window sensors) will activate the alarm when they trigger.
INDOOR sensors (mainly motion sensors) will not trigger an alarm, so users can freely walk within home.
DISARM - deactivates the system. In this case no ZONE will activate the alarm.
In order to control Intruder alarm, you have to enter PIN code. Default PIN code is 0000. You can change
your PIN code if you go to Intruder alarm settings.
When Intruder alarm has been triggered, siren will be activated in order to warn the intruder and you will
be alerted by an emergency PHONE CALL (your mobile number will be used). At the same time, you will
get an EMAIL ALERT with 2 photos attached from the built in camera. You can change alerting setup from
within Intruder alarm settings.
Alerting messages will only be sent if ZipaTile is connected to the Internet
You will find Intruder alarm settings within Zipato admin portal at my.zipato.com > Security > Intruder
alarm. In order to setup your system properly, you have to have an active Internet connection.
Safety alarm
ZipaTile has the Safety alarm system built in already. Comparing with the Intruder alarm, Safety alarm is
ARMED all the time and it should be only DISARMED for the service and maintenance purposes.
ZipaTile’s built-in NOISE SENSOR is pre-configured as a ZONE, so when noise level reaches 7 for more than
15 seconds, Safety alarm will be triggered. This way, you can rely on any of your existing SMOKE or other
safety sensors which have SIREN built in.
You can add additional safety sensors as ZONES into your Safety alarm. However, in order to add sensor as
a ZONE in your Safety alarm system, you have to first add sensor into your Zipato system (go to ADD NEW
DEVICES wizard).