Zipabox2 is a Security Enabled Plus central static controller. It is used for managing a Z-
within its network. This includes device inclusion/exclusion, controlling devices, firmware updates and
more. The Zipabox can also handle other protocols if the corresponding modules for them are installed.
For the sake of simplicity this guide will only go through Z-
as it requires no additional modules
to function and works out of the box.
This product can be operated in any Z-
network with other Z-
certified devices from
other manufacturers. All mains operated nodes within the network will act as repeaters regardless of
the vendor to increase reliability of the network.
This document will describe how to use the Zipato Web user interface (Web UI) with Zipabox. The Web
UI allows users to send commands to devices connected to their Zipabox and manage their network.
The web UI is located on the following address:
Image 1 Login screen
If an account already exists it is possible to login using its email address and password. It is also possible
to register a new account. To create a new account the
“SIGN UP!” option
must be used. After logging
the following screen will be shown:
Image 2 Start screen