Device association
Device association allows devices to send commands to other devices without the help of the
controller. By default all included nodes have their Lifeline Group association set to the controller, this
means that when they generate a notification it will be sent to the controller. For an example, a switch
and a light bulb could be associated in such a way that flicking the switch also turns the light on/off. To
associate one device with another the “MANAGE ASSOCIATION” button needs to be pressed:
Image 50 Manage associations
This will open a new window with 3 columns. First column contains the list of devices (excluding the
device that is currently selected for association management) and all of their endpoints. The second
column shows the list of devices currently added to the selected group. While the third column
contains all the association groups the device supports.
Image 51 Association manager for device "Plug 2"
: If a device or endpoint are missing from the list try refreshing the page
The image above shows the Lifeline Group
association group for the device “Plug 2”. To add a new
association follow these steps:
Select the group from association groups column
Optional: Click “RETREIVE” to get devices
currently associated to this group
Drag devices from the left column to the middle column to add them
Right click the devices middle column
and pick “Remove from group” to remove them
Click “SEND” to send
the configuration to the device
Controller association groups
Group id
Profile (2 bytes)
Command Class
Group Name
Maximum devices
General : Lifeline Group
Device Reset Locally
Lifeline Group
Device will send the “Device Reset Locally Notification” to its
Lifeline Group
when “
Reset” operation is