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802265US v1.27 06.21 BCS, BCS100-75 Install Instructions
Safety Sensor Calibration
(Classic and All-In-One models)
Pull both levers
1. With the unit in Normal operating mode and with
the safety enabled
2. Turn the power OFF
3. Pull both faucet levers to the forward position
4. Turn ON the power
5. The unit will calibrate the safety switch
6. Return the levers to the neutral position.
7. To check the calibration, dispense Boiling water,
in normal light conditions with the safety enabled.
Light intensity varies from site to site, therefore it is recommended that a re-calibration be performed at the
time of the installation. All direct natural sun light must be shaded from the HydroTap, during the calibration.
This can be achieved by closing any nearby curtains, blinds, or by shielding the HydroTap with a dark cloth.
Conditioning Procedure
Carbonation Valve Flow Adjustment
Zip HydroTap Command Centers are sanitized during manufacturing and require flushing before normal use.
1. Dispense 6 liters (1.6 gallons) of boiling water from the boiling outlet of the HydroTap (equivalent to 2
complete tanks full of water)
2. Dispense 10 liters (2.6 gallons) of chilled water from the chilled outlet of the HydroTap (equivalent to 4
complete tanks full of water)
3. If water bubbles or foams repeat steps 1 and 2 above
4. Let filled tanks stand for one hour at operating temperature
5. After one hour, repeat steps 1 and 2.
6. Turn off CO
gas at the regulator.
7. Dispense 2 liters (½ gallon) of sparkling water from the sparkling outlet. Repeat the 2 liters (½ gallon)
dispense until the water is clear.
8. Turn on the CO
gas at the regulator. The HydroTap is ready for use.
1. After product commissioning and CO
purge, you are now
ready to adjust the carbonation flow rate.
2. To adjust the flow rate, rotate the adjustment screw anti-clock
wise to increase the flow and clockwise to decrease the flow.
3. To measure the flow rate you have set, use a measuring cup or
jug and run the sparkling water for 15 seconds (the HydroTap has
a default 15 seconds dispense time, which will help in your flow
rate set up). Multiply the amount of water dispensed in that 15
seconds by 4 to get your flow rate in gallons per minute. 1.6 liters
(0.4 gallons) per minute is the optimum flow rate.
– If you adjust the flow rate too high, you will empty the
carbonation tank of water leaving only CO
to be dispensed from
the faucet. This will result in inconsistent flow (spluttering).
- Take care NOT to
use excessive force during
adjustment of the valve.