no ZilliontV picture on Your tV
If you do not see the ZillionTV welcome screen when
you turn on your TV, there are three possible causes:
Your ZilliontV device is not turned on: You
should see a light on the front panel of the box,
indicating that it is on. Check to make sure that
the box is plugged into a live electrical outlet
and that the switch on the back is turned on
Your tV is not properly connected to the
ZilliontV device: Refer to Connecting to Your
TV on page 13 for help making the right
connection, and make sure that all cables are
in place and firmly connected to both the TV
and the ZillionTV Device. Also, make sure that
your cables are connected to an “A/V IN” port
rather than an “A/V OUT” port.
Your tV is not set to the correct video input
channel: There is a button on your TV remote
for changing the input channel (usually called
“Input”, “Display” or “TV/Video”) that you use to
switch between the input devices that are
connected to your TV, such as your cable or
satellite box, DVD player, or game console.
Press this button to change the input channel
until you see the ZillionTV welcome screen, or
other ZillionTV menu.
Whenever you are having trouble with your
ZillionTV™ Service, make sure that:
The audio and video cables between the
ZillionTV Device and your TV are pushed all the
way in.
The power cords for the ZillionTV Device and
your TV are securely connected to a working
power source.
The remote control is charged.
Your TV is turned on and switched to the correct
video input.
Your ZillionTV Device is connected to your home
network or directly into your broadband modem.
If you’re still having trouble, you can try to reset your
equipment by unplugging the ZillionTV Device, your
router, and broadband modem. Wait one minute
and plug everything back in, and give the ZillionTV
Device a few moments to reconnect to our servers.
Your TV screen may go blank or show a “no input”
message while the device reconnects.
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