Ziehm Imaging, Inc.
Vision Installation Manual
MAN 06-0015, Rev. A
Page 18
M a i n t e n a n c e R e p o r t : B e a m Q u a l i t y
Variation coefficient C = S/X = _________________ / __________________
C = __________________
If the calculated value of the variation coefficient is greater than 0.045, determine the
cause and take corrective action.
Beam Quality
Beam Quality Test
Refer to 21 CRF 1020.30 (m) - Half Value Layer
1. Check the calibration of mA, kV, and mAs.
2. Select Radiography and set to 110 kVp.
3. Set time to 2.0 seconds to obtain 30 mAs.
Note: For steps 4 through , refer to Figure 7. For step 3, if system is wired for 230
V the mA will be 20mA for a total of 40 mAs.
4. Use the 6.0 cc chamber and collimate the beam so that it just covers the sensitive
volume of the dose probe.
5. Place a dose probe chamber in the center of the beam, 70 cm from the focal spot.
6. Block input to the image intensifier with 3 mm of lead blocker.
< 0.045