to start the stove:
fully open the charging door and the primary inlet valve (see picture 2) by sliding
the valve to “+”. place and lit some crumpled paper or fire lighter sticks (fire starter
sticks) in the fire bed together with some small size dry fire wood (for fuel requi-
rements: see chapter d.3)
the flame and performance of the stove can be controlled by moving the primary
air inlet valve simply follow the + and – signs (see picture 2). the primary air inlet
valve may be hot, use the stove tool provided.
When starting the fire the chimney and exhaust flue is still cold, due to which there
will only be little draught. create enough start up draught by keeping the ash pan
(little), the stove charging door (little) and the primary air inlet (maximum) open
during the first eight to ten minutes.
After these eight to ten minutes the fire will burn more extensive, now place big-
ger fire wood. close ash pan and stove charging door to a minimum.
After another 10 minutes close the charging door completely. check the fire. now
close the primary air inlet valve to minimal whilst still ensuring good burning fire
(see chapter d.1.1.).
D.1 hOW TO RecOgNize A cORRecT AND iNcORRecT bURNiNg sTOVe
D.1.1 correct burning stove
how can a correct burning stove be recognized:
the flames are moving calm
the wood is burnt evenly
after the stove is in operation for more than approximately 30 minutes the
smoke should nearly be translucent.
do not use liquid fuel, such as for example alcohol, petrol, gasoline etc to
start the fire.
• The primary air inlet valve must be kept to a minimum –whilst still ensu-
ring a good burning fire-, this will ensure that the burning process is as
clean as possible and the efficiency is as high as possible.
• The capacity and efficiency of the stove varies with the kind of wood as
well as with the wood load.
• The capacity of the stove can best be controlled by varying the wood load
Picture 2, Primary Air inlet.
A = Stove Tool, B = primary
air control valve
make sure to ventilate the room sufficiently.