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Manual No. 30421
1.4.2 Cabinet Enclosure:
This manual covers two
Plus cabinet sizes.
Pulsar III Approximate work chamber dimensions:
36" wide x 35" deep x 37" high.
Pulsar VI Approximate work chamber dimensions:
50" wide x 39" deep x 43" high.
1.4.3 Power Module:
The power module is separate
from the cabinet and houses the reclaimer and reverse-
pulse dust collector.
Pulsar Plus III Power Module has a 300 cfm
reclaimer and dust collector.
Pulsar VI Power Module has a 600 cfm reclaimer
and dust collector.
Dust-collector filter is a cartridge-type pleated filter with a
MERV 12 rating.
Theory of Operation
1.5.1 Blasting:
Once the cabinet is correctly set up and
turned on, the cabinet is then ready for operation by
actuation of the foot pedal. Pressing down on the foot
pedal causes air to flow through the blast gun. The partial
vacuum created by air moving through the gun draws
media into the blast-gun mixing chamber. The media
mixes with the air stream and is propelled out the nozzle.
After striking the object being blasted, blast media, fines,
dust, and byproducts generated by blasting fall through
the grate into the cabinet hopper. These particles are then
drawn into the power-module reclaimer for separation.
When the foot pedal is released, blasting stops.
1.5.2 Media recovery and separation:
entering the reclaimer, dust and fines are first separated
from reusable blast media and drawn into the dust
collector. Next, the media is screened of oversize
particles and returned to the reclaimer hopper for reuse.
Dust and fines drawn through the reclaimer are trapped
on the outer surface of the dust-collector filter cartridge,
resulting in the exhauster discharging clean air.
1.5.3 Dust collector:
The dust-collector filter cartridge
is cleaned at regular timed intervals by a pulse of high-
velocity compressed air expanding against the inner
surface of the cartridge. The expanding air momentarily
reverses air flow through the cartridge, releasing dust
accumulated on the outer surface. The dust particles fall
away from the cartridge and into the dustbin for removal.
Pulse timing is controlled with the digital pulse timer and
air pressure. The pulse sequence automatically begins
when the exhauster is turned ON. There are times, such
as when seasoning the filter cartridge, that pulsing
should be OFF. To prevent automatic pulsing, turn the
pulse-pressure regulator located on the pulse reservoir
to 0 psi. Refer to Section 5.8 to set pulse pressure. If
pulse pressure is set to 0 psi, the timer is still functioning
but there is no pulse because pressure is turned off.
Pulse pressure should be left OFF (0 psi) until the
cartridge is seasoned, per Section 7.15.
Do not pulse a new dust collector or
replacement cartridge until the cartridge is
properly seasoned, per Section 7.15. Pulsing an
unseasoned cartridge can decrease the
efficiency of the dust collector and cause
premature cartridge failure.
Control-Console Functions – Figure 2
Figure 2
1. Lift-Legs Selector Switch:
Raises and lowers
cabinet height. Refer to Section 5.5 to adjust.
2. Blast-Pressure Adjustment:
The pilot pressure-
regulator adjusts blast pressure to suit the application.
Refer to Section 5.1 to adjust blast pressure
3. Green Start Pushbutton Switch:
The button lights
up when power is applied to the cabinet. The pushbutton
does not light if the dustbin interlock is not engaged.
Pushing in the button turns on the cabinet light and starts
the exhauster. Other controls will not operate unless the
exhauster is running.
4. Red Stop Pushbutton Switch:
Pushing in the
button stops the exhauster and all other controls.
5. Blast-Pressure Gauge:
Displays blast pressure,
which is adjusted by the blast-pressure regulator, as
noted above.
6. Filter
differential-pressure gauge measures pressure drop
(pressure difference between the clean and dirty side of
the filter cartridge) across the filter cartridge. The gauge
is the best way to monitor cleaning efficiency and dust