Doc Number 801-00015, Version 1.1, Copyright © 2010 Zep Solar, Inc.
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9.0 > Limited Warranty
What is Covered:
ZEP SOLAR, INC., a California corporation, (called “Zep Solar”) with its principal place of business
located at 161 Mitchell Blvd., Suite 104, San Rafael, California 94903 war- rants to the original retail
purchaser (called “Purchaser”) of Zep Solar’s solar panel rack products, manufactured by Zep Solar,
(called “Products”) that the structural components of the Products will be free from substantial
defects in material and workmanship and that Product finish will be free from visible peeling, cracking
or chalking under normal atmospheric conditions while the Products are installed at their original
installation site provided that the Products were installed in accordance with Zep Solar’s written
installation instructions.
For How Long:
The warranty covering the structural components of the Products is made for ten (10) years and the
warranty covering the anodized finish is made for five (5) years, from the earlier of 1) the date the
installation of the Products is completed, or 2) thirty (30) days after the purchase of the Products
by the original Purchaser.
What We Will Do:
ZEP SOLAR will, at its sole option either repair or replace any Products or components of the Products
that fail to meet the performance standards set forth in this warranty on an exchange basis without
charge. If ZEP SOLAR is unable to repair or replace a defective Product or component within a
reasonable time, ZEP SOLAR will, at its sole and exclusive option, either replace the defective Product
or component with a functionally equivalent Product or component without charge or re- fund the
original price paid for the defective Product or component.
These are your sole and exclusive remedies for any breach of warranty.
What We Will Not Do:
ZEP SOLAR does not warrant that the Products will meet any specification, needs, or requirements
that are not expressly set forth in the Zep Solar’s technical product documentation.
The Finish Warranty does not apply to any foreign residue deposited on the finish. All installations
in corrosive atmospheric conditions are excluded. The Finish Warranty is Void if, when cleaning or
maintaining the Produce, the practices specified by AAMA 609 & 610-02 – “Cleaning and Maintenance
for Architecturally Finished Aluminum” (www. are not followed by Purchaser.