Doc Number 801-00015, Version 1.1, Copyright © 2010 Zep Solar, Inc.
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2. Lower the Module grooves onto the Zep Tongues and rotate downward, applying pressure toward
the tongues when the Modules reach an angle of approximately 15 degrees from the roof (Figure
5.10C and Figure 5.10D).
Figure 5.10C
Figure 5.10E
Figure 5.10D
Figure 5.10F
3. Proceed to lower all the way to the surface of the roof while continuing to apply pressure toward
the tongues (Figure 5.10E and Figure 5.10F). If the newly installed Module does not fully seat into
the Zeps, bring it back up to 15 degrees and apply pressure once again to fully seat it.
Zep System II has been designed to take up tolerance from Module to Module so
the Zep Groove may engage the tongue at varying depths in order to allow for tolerance
take up and/or slight Module rotation to maintain overall squareness of array.