In case you are beyond the reach of local home Wi-Fi network, you
can use encrypted remote access through Internet . In order to
work Remote Access requires that Zenpro Central Unit is
connected to home network with access to the Internet, proper
time has to be set up in the device (“Settings”->”Advanced”-
>”Date and time”).
1) Remote access activation
You have to be connected to your Zenpro device through local
network. Go to “Settings”->”Advanced”->”Remote Access” and
check the “On” option. You can check if remote access is working
correctly by pressing “Test” button.
2) Using the remote access
When your mobile device is away from your home network and
you turn on the Zenpro app, after few seconds the connection
window will show up. Pick up the “Remote access” button in the
bottom. Your mobile device should connect to ZSC1 Unit.
3) Getting back to the local access
When you are back in the range of your home network it’s always
better to use local access. You can switch back, by going to the
“Settings” menu where only one button is visible “Close remote
access”, when you hit it connection window will appear.