obtained from the mobile application, you have to go to the
Settings->Advanced->Connection to the central.
In the mobile app, go to “Settings” -> “Devices” and next press
“Add Device”. From the drop down menu pick the device type (ex.
Shutter) and type in the name of the device. Use the “Next”
button, new screen will show up where it’s possible to check the
impulse mode (if the device has such mode) and command buttons
will show up: PROG, UP, DOWN, STOP. Those buttons are similar
to traditional remote controller. Next step is to pair the physical
device with the central controller. To do this you need to follow
the device manual and do the same things as you would like to add
new remote controller to the device. However instead of the
traditional remote controller use the steering buttons.
Additional instructional materials concerning adding devices can
be found at:
Example – Window Roller Shutter Motor
For window roller shutter radio motor, follow the steps above.
Create a new device, choose the type, give the device a name and
use “Next” button. A view with command buttons will show up
(prog, up, down, stop). Take a traditional remote controller that
works with the motor already.