Technical Support:
the object and the different states of the LED may be slightly different from
one type of control to another, so it will be explained in later sections.
State-dependent lighting (both LEDs
): only applies to main buttons that are
configured as pair-button controls. The two LEDs of the pair-button control will
light or not depending on the value of the related object and on the particular
control type parameterized for that pair of buttons. The only difference
compared to the previous case is that, under the “both LEDs” case, the two
LEDs will always turn off or on simultaneously, as if it were a unique state
indicator consisting of two LEDs.
Apart from the behaviour of the LEDs,
can be activated or deactivated as an
acoustic feedback for the user when an action is performed after a button touch.
Enabling and disabling the buzzer can be done by parameter or by object, being also
possible to define by parameter whether this function should be initially enabled or not.
Finally, a specific object has also been included for externally triggering a brief beep at
any time, provided that the beeping function has not been disabled.