Technical Support:
its part, the periodicity may be assigned to the sending of the values “0” or
“1” (or both), and adopt cycle times of 0 to 255 seconds.
Figure 23
Short press: 0/1 (inputs > push button)
Shutter control
: on button presses the KNX bus will be sent a certain
shutter control order through the “[Ix] [Short press] ACTION”, where
“ACTION” will depend on the action selected from the corresponding
window displayed by ETS:
Figure 24
Short press: shutter (inputs > push button)
The available actions are: Move shutter up (the value “0” will be sent),
Move shutter down (the value “1” will be sent), Move shutter (toggle
direction) (after the first press the value “1” will be sent, while after the
second press the value “0” will be; and so on after any subsequent press,
commuting the value every time), Stop / Step up (the value “0” will be sent),
Stop / step down (the value “1” will be sent) and Stop / step (toggle
direction) (after the first press the value “1” will be sent, while after the
second press the value “0” will be; and so on after any subsequent press,
commuting the value every time).
Light dimming
: the KNX bus will be sent a light dimming order through the
“[Ix] [Short press] ACTION”, where “ACTION” will depend on the action
selected from the corresponding screen displayed by ETS: