Technical Support:
[AC] Internal Error: Timeout
” (1-Bit).
[AC] Internal Error: Wrong Acknowledgement
” (1-Bit).
Errors in the A/C unit
: errors reported by the A/C unit itself. KLIC-MITT v2 can
notify the KNX bus about the reported error code, although referring to the
specific documentation of the A/C machine is advisable in order to obtain
further information.
In case the A/C unit reports an error, the binary object
[AC] AC Unit Error:
Active Error
will be sent with value “1”, while the 14-bytes object “
Unit Error: Error Code
” will report the corresponding error code. Once the
error is over, the binary object will send a value of “0” and error code object will
update its value to
“0”. Please, refer to Mitsubishi error codes documentation for
details about the error codes.
If there is no wired remote control in the installation, and control is only
executed by KLIC-MITT v2, in order to deactivate an error, it is necessary,
once the cause that has produce the error has been solved, to do an off
order of A/C unit.
To deactivate a control error, it is necessary to remove the power of A/C
unit, later connect the correct number of controllers and finally recover the