4. Head rib flush with side walls glue in.
5. Glue the back of the fuselage. In the bonding must be ensured that the bags for the fuselage
cover pointing upwards, so that the lid attached later can be. The back of the trunk is in the
unglued condition very much fragile. Optionally, between the front torsion pin and the trailing
edge of the large trunk opening a 10 mm strong piece balsa glued in will. With the grain across
to the hull elevated the the resilience of the trunk.
6. Glue the nose of the fuselage and the fuselage stick together. The nose with an integrated lead
chamber is made from balsa and in layers constructed from a piece of plywood.
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7. High start hook
The plastic coating the luster terminal must be removed, so that we only have the metal part in
front of us lie to have. Next the 2mm steel wire according to sketch bent will. (Sketch is not to
scale 1:1!) Attention, when very far back lying hook should be the angle reduced to 0 ° (=
parallel to Fuselage floor) as the model otherwise to the early notching tends! Subsequently
will the Luster terminal With the plywood mount as the steel wire with the washer (metal or
GFK) as shown in the pictures see glued with 5min epoxy. It is important to ensure that the
GRP and metal parts in front of the bonding sanded and be degreased.
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8. Gluing the high start hook in the trunk.
If the high-start hook mount is milled directly into the bottom of the fuselage, the high-start
hook can be removed executed and screwed.
9. The fuselage can now be sanded. The balsa trunk lid should be sanded at the same time.
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10. The trunk can now be covered. A paint job is not to recommend as opposed to it the film
increases the strength. The two 4mm beech rods (on the picture represented by 4mm CFRP
solid rods) are only after the construction of the wings (will still needed there as an aid) in the
corresponding holes glued. When gluing on it make sure that they are equally far on both sides
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