OPMI® VISU 200 BrightFlex™ Surgical Microscope
Issue 3.0
Printed on 21. 11. 2002
When using a fundus imaging system (e.g. BIOM II)
When using a fundus imaging system (e.g. BIOM II from the company Oc-
ulus) which is usually installed between the surgical microscope and the
patient, make sure that the patient is neither put at risk nor injured by the
motorized focusing system or the movement of the stand arm.
Only use accessories expressly certified by the manufacturer for combi-
nation with the surgical microscope described in this manual.
With the fundus imaging system swung out of position, always position
the microscope body in such a way that index dot (1) of the micro-
scope's focus is in the middle of triangle (2) of the marking.
Select a medium magnification (e.g. 1.0).
Lower the surgical microscope towards the surgical field until you see
the patient's cornea sharply defined.
Turn the screw for limiting the downward movement clockwise as far
as it will go.
It is vital that you read the user’s manual on the fundus imaging sys-
tem (e.g. BIOM II from the company Oculus).
Phototoxic retinal injury in eye surgery
Several papers have been published dealing with the problems of photo-
toxicity during eye surgery. A comprehensive review of these publications
reveals five aspects of particular concern:
Illumination characteristics (spectral composition)
Intensity of illumination
Angle of illumination
Focus of the light source
Exposure time to light
Risk of collision!