The unit serial tag lists the unit electrical characteristics
such as the required supply voltage, motor amperage and
required circuit ampacities. The unit wiring diagram shows
all unit and field wiring. The installer must be familiar with the
wiring diagram before beginning any wiring as the wiring can
change from project to project.
Electrical shock can cause personal injury or death. When
installing or servicing system, always turn off main power
to system. There may be more than one disconnect switch.
Thermostat “OFF” should not be used for disconnect
All field wiring connecting to this type of unit must by 105 °F
rated copper conductor and should be in accordance with
the National Electrical Code and any applicable local codes.
Branch circuit fusing and electrical disconnect means, if
required, must be furnished and installed by others. All
unit-mounted control components are factory wired to the
junction control box located in the electrical end pocket of
units. Remote-mounted control components are shipped
loose for field installation and wiring and are to be wired in
strict accordance with the wiring diagram. Failure to do so
could result in personal injury or damage to components and
will void the manufacturer warranty.
All wiring connections should be checked prior to start-up to
ensure connections have not come loose during shipment or
installation, minimizing problems during start-up.
The fan motor(s) should never be controlled by any wiring or
device other than the factory supplied switch or thermostat/
switch combination without factory authorization.
Consult the factory wiring and valve package diagrams
when installing an aquastat. The switch should always be
installed upstream of the control valve on a pipe that will
have constant flow regardless of the control valve position,
allowing a true water temperature reading at all times. A
bleed bypass may be required to guarantee proper aquastat
The applicable wiring diagram ships with each unit and must
be strictly followed. Field power supply wiring should be
through end pocket openings or knockouts in the supplied
junction boxes.
All field wiring should be done in accordance with governing
codes and ordinances. Any modification of the unit wiring
without factory authorization will void the warranty and
nullify any agency listings.
Zehnder Rittling assumes no responsibility for any damages
and/or injuries from improper field installation and/or wiring.
Electrical connections