Zaxcom Deva 24 Input Control
Adjusting wireless transmitters via ZaxNet
If an input is receiving audio from a Zaxcom wireless transmitter the input gain and UHF transmission frequency can
be remotely adjusted from the input control screen.
Setting the ZaxNet unit code
Each individual transmitter needs to have a unique identification number so the
remote control commands can be sent to the proper transmitter. To set the
transmitter identification code, tap the TX ID key and set the desired number. After
the TX ID is set, the keys for remote TX GAIN and TX FREQ adjustment will appear.
Then, if desired, a fader can be assigned to control the input gain for that
transmitter. To do so simply select ZNET in the fader assign menu, then choose that
input in the ZaxNet assign matrix. Then the selected knob will remotely adjust the
input gain on the transmitter.
Adjusting transmitter gain
Tap on the TX GAIN key to turn the key orange, when the key is orange the menu encoder knob can be used to
remotely adjust the input gain of transmitter with the corresponding transmitter ID.
Adjusting the transmitter frequency
Tap on the TX FREQ key to turn the key orange when the key is orange the menu encoder knob can be used to
remotely adjust the UHF frequency of the transmitter with the corresponding transmitter ID. If the key is tapped
again the transmitter frequency menu will appear and the desired frequency can be manually entered.