Zaxcom Deva 24 Fader Assign
Fader Assign
The fader assign menu is where the 12 hardware faders are assigned their function. Each individual fader can be
assigned to control input trim, it can be assigned to be a fader for any input or, it can be assigned to remote control
the transmitter input gain, via ZaxNet, for any unit code.
Assigning a function to a fader
Setting the function of the fader
Tap the assign key on the lower left of the screen.
Fader - The knob will be a fader for the selected input.
Trim - The knob will control the input trim for the selected input.
ZNet - The knob will control the input gain of a Zaxcom transmitter.
Assigning an input to the fader
After setting the function with the assign key tap the desired fader (1 thru 12). Then,
depending status of the assign key, the fader, trim or ZaxNet assign matrix will open.
Then from that matrix tap on the desired input to be assigned to the fader. If desired
multiple inputs or multiple trims can be assigned to a single fader.
To remove or change an assignment, select the same assignment or choose a
different input.
Please note that when assigning a fader to control transmitter gain via ZaxNet the
unit code will need to be assigned for that input from the INPUT CONTROL menu.
To do so from the INPUT CONTROL menu tap on the TX ID key and assign a unit code
for that input. Then when assigning a knob for that input to ZaxNet the unit code will
be displayed on the input key.