6. Compressor crankcase heater should be energized for 24 hours (special attention should be taken to disable com-
pressor contactor before energizing the unit fitted with pump down controls. If not, compressor may operate for few
minutes to pumpdown the system, even the thermostat is OFF).
7. Thorough inspection on evaporator coil, condenser coil and other components for any physical damage.
8. Expansion valve bulb is strapped properly at correct location.
9. Circuit breaker/fused disconnect switch.
10. Blower fan belt is properly tightened and pulleys are properly aligned.
11. Blower fan & condenser fans are at correct rotation and their mountings are properly tightened.
12. All refrigerant service valve caps are installed.
13. All piping, piping insulation and piping supports are properly installed.
14. Thermostat is the right one and installed properly.
15. Duct work and accessories (check the following list and select whichever applicable to each jobs).
Flexible Connection
Air Filters Clean
Air Filter Access Door Gasket
Sound Attenuators (If Applicable)
Fresh Air Intake
Ductwork Caulking Inside/Outside Building
Ductwork Supports Inside/Outside Building
Duct Leakage Inside/Outside Building
Volume Dampers
Volume Damper Access Doors
Fire Dampers
Fire Damper Access Doors
Transfer Grilles/Door Grilles
Duct Insulation/Liner
Duct Humidistat
Filter flag
After the completion of inspection and check list, the following points should be covered before system is placed in operation.
1. Connect the manifold gauge to suction & discharge line service valves. Prepare recommended instruments for check-
ing Voltage, Amps, RPM, CFM, static pressure, etc.
2. Start the blower fan and condenser fan. Check the amperage against the nameplate ampere.
3. Start the compressor and observe the following points (on multiple compressor units, it is highly recommended to start
the compressors one by one to achieve careful observation for each compressor).
(a) Check compressor discharge and suction pressures. If not within system design limits, determine why and take
corrective action.
(b) Check liquid line sight glass and expansion valve operation. If there are indications that more refrigerant is re-
quired, leak test all connections and system components and repair any leaks before adding refrigerant.
(c) Observe oil level in compressor crankcase sight glass (if available) and add oil as necessary to bring to recom-
mended oil level.