Remove one nut and both washers.
Slide the prop onto the shaft with
Slide the prop onto the shaft with
Slide the prop onto the shaft with
Slide the prop onto the shaft with
Slide the prop onto the shaft with
the raised letters toward the motor
the raised letters toward the motor
the raised letters toward the motor
the raised letters toward the motor
the raised letters toward the motor.....
Make sure that the nut mates with
the nut-shaped cutout in the prop.
Use the prop as a wrench to
unscrew the nut to the end of the
shaft. Leave 1/8 of an inch for the
two washers and the nut. Slide the
two washers against the prop. Turn
the nut on the shaft. Hold the large
gear and the prop to snug the shaft
Insert the motor wire into the motor
wire hole in the motor pylon. Pull the
wire from the receiver bay side while
pushing the motor onto the motor
mount stick.
Push the motor all the way onto the
motor mount stick until it seats.